Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hope? Ha! - We Are Hope, The Future, The Power, Glory, America, The Now...

Hope? Ha! - We Are Hope, The Future, The Power, Glory, America, The Now...

by. Thomas Anderson

Nothing is more honest, important, and real than what you are about to read. I am one of these people who cannot tell a lie and see no value or point in them, so what you are about to read is the truth.

The government controls...

Transportation/mobility through the price and availability of fuel, and development of or more correctly the stifling of the development of alternative fuels. This is because the government is, was, and will continue to be (Until we do something about it) in bed with big oil, not only the money grubbing, greedy, amoral, corrupt big oil in this country but also big oil in Saudi Arabia (Human rights abuser numero uno, and home of the 9-11 hijackers). This is tied in directly with another government bedfellow, big 3 auto, the failures who cannot be allowed to fail.

And our Mobility through fuel prices and the basic structure of how and when we work, get days off, and the debt they allow Big Finance to suffocate us with, mortgages, credit cards, middle lower class pay structure.

The government controls...

Food quality and availability. Our ability to eat is tied in with fuel cost, and I am not even going to go into what the government does to and allows to be done to our environment, which effect our food sources. Something as basic as the water we drink isn't so basic anymore with all the wonderful pollutants the government has allowed into it (Big Pharma, another bedfellow, and why hormones are in our water).

The government controls...

Our Health or lack thereof by being in bed with the insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies and the entire medical establishment (At least the highest (OVER) paid members of the medical establishment, the doctors...

The government controls...

Our ability to amass, make, grow, keep and spend, our money through shady, unscrupulous, dirty dealings with the financial industry, big banks, credit card companies, et cetera allowing these companies to keep the majority of Americans buried in one kind of debt or another.

The government controls...

Housing, through being in bed with the real estate and lending special interest (BOA).

The government controls...

The Media so if anyone ever wanted to inform the public about these travesties and organize a march/strike/rally/revolution to change things it would be impossible to get the word out...(The same media that waste air time covering The Balloon Boy drama, what an insult to America)

This article will probably never see the light of day because of the above fact, it is true the media act as frighteners (Not merely sources of information),swine flu, war, the economy, joblessness, blacks, Mexicans, bird flu (Remember that Panormousepidemic, hardy, har) or hee, hee, hee SARS!!!! Run it's sars, and blacks, lock your doors, the economy, be afraid to move to go, to take chances, to fight, organize?!

Yes. The government controls the basic means and goods needed to live, and has good reason to want to and good reason to hold on to that control for dear life, because if the government controls these things which are so essential to your and my ability to move, go, live, think, then they need not worry about being challenged through, protest, strikes, marches, revolutions, because you cannot take a decent vacation from work much less march to fight injustice. However the founders of this country, found this country because lesser abominations were being committed by England, and when they established this country it required a revolution, and they thought it important to give man the freedom of the press (We/I have this?), and the freedom to organize and protest.


Your Food, your Housing, Your Money, Your Mobility, and Your Health are all controlled, manipulated, tooled with, jerked around by the government. The land of the free, my arse. The land where a rich minority control everything and corruption and conflict of interest are institutions, ingrained, the norm, run rampant, epidemic(, that is this America, America now. And by the by, yes all, ALL politicians are corrupt, it's the nature of the beast, in order to have the loads of money to run a political campaign you get donations from rich people, then they expect something in return, so HOW are the lower and middle class represented, we're NOT, that's how. Taxation without representation, you better believe it.

And by the by, in the way described above all elections are rigged, not just the last 3 big ones in this country.

Hope? Ha! Is there hope with this much corruption at every level of government culminating in the federal government who openly steals (Pretty ballsy) from the poor to give to their rich friends,Haliburton (I mean if that's not "Treason"?!), simply the inundation and existence in DC of special interest groups and lobbyist (How bout' one special interest:America) the auto bailout, the bank bailouts, openly rigged elections, both Bush farces, and even this cute Obama show they put on for you folks**

**(I mean really, running John "Homely Old Rich White Republican Man" McCain against young, fit, handsome, black was rigged, because they
want you to think there are 2 feuding parties (Sharks and Jets, Crips and Bloods, it is so ignorantly silly - (How bout' one party The American Peoples Party,
no more children's games) in Washington, but that is a show a red heron to divert your attention, while, there is really a united front in DC...
them against us.)

However the much to silent majority, the sleeping giant, underestimated, taken for granted, forgotten, beaten and battered and counted done for majority, the lower and middle class, the hardworkers, the builders, the foundation of the economy, farmers, teachers, blue collar, mechanics, engineers, et cetera are going to unite, rise up, and peacefully make an assertion of power and take this country back and run it non-corrupted, morally, ethically, openly, values, peacefully, intellectually, always, always with a focus on the achievement of, the happiness of, the pleasure of, peace of, success of, confidence of, health of, dignity of the American people, as a whole, not a few, not special interest, not for money, just because it is the right thing to do.


  1. Tell it like it is. You need to buy my book - right up your alley & that of your readers =

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Brother, I am with your cause. I agree revoultion is over due. But a vast majority of your accusations are flawed and have progressive undertones. You could do alot of damage to the cause if you sound like them. Take some time and research some more facts and a few less conspirices theories (Check out Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Ronald Reagan,) Then come back to the fight we need all the help we can get but we need to have our facts straight. Not to sound rude you are mixing our truths with their LIES. So do your homework and I look foward to dragging those communist bastards out of our capital with you.

  4. WTF? The government controls? However, you are telling us the government doesnt control...You do. Which is it?
