Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dream Big...

I said some of this in a response at the bottom of my main blog...but thank you to anyone and everyone who has ever read my blog...

We have all heard people who set out on a mission with a message..."I don't care if I get everyone in the world behind me, if I reach one person...I did my duty"

Something to that effect...well I would love to see me making huge changes in this country...I want say in power, because at the end of the day I don't want power, I want everyone to feel empowered, I want America to be powerful, socially, economically, et cetera...I do not hink that is going to happen with the way this country is currently to the radio..I do NPR, but it's the same ol rehashed bull shit, red herrings, all of it, don't know what a red herring is google it...

Fox news, red herrings, all news red herrings, because the media is in bed with the government which is in bed with big oil, with big auto, with big money, the credit card companies, mortgage companies, banks, et cetera

And...on the subject/off the subject...I do not expect you, anyone to read this blog and agree with all of it, first of all who the hell agrees with anyone these days, I just do expect everyone to understand that at the end of the day, my concern is America...

I do not favor African-Americans, Jews, Japanese, Armenians, Catholics, the rich, the poor, northerners, Filipinos, Indians...on nd on...I ONLY favor America and Americans, without recognition of race, socio-economic situation, religion, et cetera...just the empowerment of all Americans..

A lot of people will read my post and not agree with it...because this is not what you are hearing out there a lot of it is not what they taught you in school, some of it is scary the addendum's at the end of my main blog...some new good stuff...

Thanks to everyone who has read the blog...I will continue to fight because it is my right, my duty, and I'll be damned if I am going top look back on my life and say I didn't even try to fight this BS, and I promise you folks if everything was OK I wouldn't be fighting, I am fighting because the injustice in this country is outrageously out of control...

I may not win...but if I simply get some folks, 1, 3, 13, 23, thinking about some of these things, if I put 5 ideas out there that are new and fresh and not the BS the media distracts you with(Swine flu, bird flu, SARS, Mad cow disease, ballon boy, abortion, gay marriage, hurricane Hazel, Iraq, Afghanistan blah, blah, blah,) ...then I really accomplished something...but...

it would be awesome to "beat city hall", because folks in Americas best conceived form, we ARE city hall...but as it is now, city hall, the government is corrupt to it's core and busting our balls to no end...

One more thing if you haven't heard this SOLUTION before, because some folks see my complaints and not my solutions, one thing I would initiate (It would take 2 months for this one to take full effect, because of logistics, but it is well thought out how it would work, and it would be an explosion for many parts of our economy, retail, leisure, travel...)

I Would declare Friday a national holiday, in honor of the American citizen...every Friday...that's right every week-end would be a three day week-end (Certain businesses would still be open shortened hours)...we work 5 days and only get 2 off for ourselves, our is skewed too far in businesses/the mans direction...I am not even looking for complete balance, just more balance, we work 4 days, and get 3 off...more time for you to develop as an individual, to dedicate to strengthening the American family...

And just imagine the immediate effect on the travel, leisure, restaurant, retail industries...

4 day work week - I would make it happen, because you, me, WE, America have earned it...that's why...and no production would not go down, folks, and no your pay would not go down, I have considered all of that...businesses would be required to (Or risk fines) to pay you the same you just do not work Friday...

And about production...folks do the research at most jobs most people could get the same amount of work done in four days they do in five...there just may be a little less slacking, chilling on the internet et cetera at work, and so what if some production goes down...we all get Friday out to...learn, live, fix things, get involved, cetera...

One more solution...couple more...I would bring our troops home by the end of the first month in office, period...the people in the middle east do not want us in their countries, I respect is more complicated than that I know...but I'll elaborate later...troops home, first month, to defend America in America with their families...

But what about the terrorist...remember 9-11, yes I do....but we sent over 100,000 American men and women to find one guy, Osama (And we still don't have him, and how many more Americans have died?, And let's forget the dead for a minute, what about the guys who lost an arm, a leg, half a face, traumatic brain injuries, and the devastated families attached to those solders).

How bout' this send 50 CIA operatives to get that one guy, Osama. Then you put a lot fewer Americans at risk and hell maybe you get the guy...Why didn't we send in 25 CIA operatives in to take out Sadam? We can't do that? WTF, or hell how bout diplomacy...Anywhooooo....

Also YES all Americans would be covered by government provided highest quality health care, via your tax dollars, not more tax, just not squandering the taxes you already pay on BS and corruption, trips to Martha's Vinyard????how many regular Americans have been to Martha's Vinyard????Oh but all those people who represent us go there...hmmm....but we can't afford to go there...but anywho you have to search for the point in that one a bit....

So universal healthcare...this would take 2 months max to enact, period....if you have a social security number (And pic ID) you are covered, period, it's all free.

If you and me, and all of us (Working Americans) put 20 dollars a month in a pot, for our healthcare per you know how much that is?!

So there are some solutions...and one guy responded to my end post...and seemed to be hinting at ending the war on drugs...all I can say is YES pot would be legal...forf people over a certain age, it would be regulated loosely, and taxed a bit...and any and everyone in jail for pot possession and no other serious violebt crime would be freed, within 2 months of us taking power, can you imagine how much it cost to put pot smokers in jail, court cost, jail et cetera...good god...pot would be legal, period...but NO not coke, cetera...but even those I do not know if I would jail a guy for selling cocaine/or someone possessing it...

I would fine them confiscate their money and redistribute said money to the American people...but we do not need too spend 30,000 dollars a year to pay the rent of a coke dealer in jail...hell no...he stays on the street, drugs destroyed, money confiscated, fined...educated encouraged to pursue other opportunities which our new government would be creating...

Oh more solution.....job creation...also through taxes...on your paycheck it(Taxes) would be itemized and we would all put 10-15 dollars a month in a pot for Job green industries, new production, road maintenance and construction...I would create a government construction company which all Americans would hold stock in...and it would build quality housing for Americans at reasonable prices....employing people to build the homes, housing cetera...


more to come.....


  1. The reptilians are in control of the military/industrial complex, the UN, the US government, and virutally every other center of power on our planet. We mean nothing in the grand scheme of things.

  2. I am with you. All Americans need to wake up and work together for the common good of this country.

  3. Okay, no matter what you do, some people are just lazy and won't work, but the four day work week would be nice. Bringing home all the troops...having a husband in the military, I know that there are troops stationed all over the world, not just in Iraq and Afghanistan. Are you bringing them ALL home? We have had troops stationed in some of these places for longer than anyone can even remember why...not really, but it's a long time. lol I've never been for government-run healthcare, however. I like the competitive system, but I think there should be a limit to just how much one can charge for procedures and drugs and maybe there would be a sliding fee based on one's income however all prices would be more reasonable. The drug thing...I don't care what someone puts in their body just like alcohol, but you do have to worry about people consuming and driving or how they interact with others under the influence. You know what else? We should just legalize prostitution...women are going to do it regardless of whether it's legal or not and men are going to pay for it if they want it so why not just make it legal and stop jailing people for it? It's their body.
